Thursday, March 28, 2013

The brain drain begins

Many of the Boomers are beginning to leave their traditional corporate jobs, their institutional knowledge isn’t being properly documented and is not being transferred to someone when the leave the company. All of that relevant knowledge is getting lost and is creating a skills gap.
Candidates are failing at their job search because they don’t have the skills that employers think they want and need. This skills gap is nearing a crisis. A recent survey found that only 17% of hiring managers felt candidates they had interviewed had met their qualifications.
Tip -pay close attention to the desired skills and traits at the level above yours.. Read through the job descriptions thoroughly. Match your skills line by line. Hone in on those skills you lack and look for ways acquire and demonstrate those skills and traits.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Quality of Hire formula

If you were to deduce a formula for calculating how well your organization is hiring overall, it would look something like this:

Quality of Hire = (PR + HP + HR) / N
PR = Average job performance rating of new hires
HP = % of new hires reaching acceptable productivity with acceptable time frame
HR = % of new hires retained after one year
N = number of indicators

PR = Average 3.5 on a 5.0 scale = 70%
HP = Of 100 hires made one year ago, 75 are meeting acceptable productivity levels = 75%
HR = 20% turnover = 80% HR
N = 3
Quality of Hire = (70 + 75 + 80) / 3 = 75

Seek to Understand

You cannot figure out where to take an organization if you do not understand where it has been and how it got to where it is.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Find enough Time

Do you get frustrated by all the things you can't finish? We all get overwhelmed by how much we have to do. Bottom line is there just isn’t enough time in the day and once you admit that, you can choose what you are going to do or not do. Try to intentionally push unimportant things aside and focus on the things that matter. Try not to react to everything that lands on your desk; make deliberate choices that will move you toward your goals.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Pay attention and be present

When you're in a meeting, out to dinner with friends or listening to someone speak, turn off the phone, don't check your email or facebook page. Stand out and be present.
I know it's difficult not to be distracted these days with a plethora of devices to keep us occupied; emails,texts, updates and phone calls come through at all hours; and we all think we have to multitask to feel efficient and productive.
The number one complaint I hear at work is; while in a meeting with my boss he kept checking his email, he wasn't even listening to me, I am so frustrated.
or, I can't believe how rude he was checking his phone every 10 seconds while they were speaking...Sound familiar?
Stand out and be present

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Standards are meaningless until you define how you will assess them.

Friday, February 10, 2012

add value

Too many people looking for too few jobs, employers are being very selective and demanding more than ever. Marketing yourself with a resume that simply explains the things you've done in previous positions is not enough. Employers need to understand your ability to add value and your potential contribution to the bottom line. Recruiters are looking for people with strong records of accomplishment and who stands out from others, because that's what they must present to hiring managers.
Recruiters are evaluated on their ability to find the most highly qualified candidates for a position. The more confident a recruiter feels about your accomplishments and ability to meet the needs of hiring managers, the more interested they will be in you as a candidate.