Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Being strategic enables me to sort through the clutter and find the best route. This by no means is a taught skill, it's innate. I am mindful of patterns others don’t see. I'm always asking about the "ifs", this helps me see around the next corner, which helps me to evaluate potential obstacles. I discard those paths that lead to confusion and/or no where. Therefore, I need to take time to see patterns. To get to the goal I keep my vision vivid. Wise forethought. Helping others through barriers/obstacles helps me lead them to success.
I can see the repercussions more clearly than others. This can be viewed as negative so my need to share is paramount to avoid these pitfalls. I encourage dialog to prevent obstacles to ensure success. This dialog is a natural propensity for me to be objective. I need to examine ways to ensure the goal is accomplished.
I at times have intuitive insights that I might not be able to explain.
I work best in the front end of new initiatives. My innovative yet procedural approach keeps the team from developing tunnel vision.

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